
by - February 14, 2020

Seventeen years ago today, my best friend proposed to me.

Four years later, we were trying for a baby. It took us over 6 months to conceive and I remember someone speaking fear into my life. "Do you think maybe you should go to the doctors and see if something is wrong?" I rebuked it and kept believing God would bring us a baby.

A week prior to finding out we were expecting, some dear friends of ours (Adam & Brooke Cooke) were praying life over me. Adam specifically thanked God for the new life God was giving us and prayed over our baby, and at that time we didn't know we were pregnant.

Father's Day 2007 will be a day I will never forget! It was a Sunday and I woke up early to test before  I woke Jeremy up to get ready for church. Sure enough, for the first time in my life I saw the word "Positive" on a pregnancy test. I will never forget that moment, it was so exciting! I ran upstairs so fast and jumped on Jeremy in bed and showed him the test! I had bought a book months before "You're going to be a Father" and gave him the book. I can still remember that moment like it was yesterday. I remember getting to church and telling Brooke we were pregnant! How when Adam thanked God for our baby, we were indeed pregnant and had no idea! I remember I was working in the nursery that morning and my heart was just overflowing with thankfulness for this new little life. We were starting a family. Thank you Jesus!

Me at 18 weeks.

I was due with our first baby, a little boy, on February 18th. I prayed he would be born on Valentine's Day. I thought how cool would it be to have a Valentine's Day babe, especially since his daddy proposed to me that day, it was extra special to me. It would be 5 years to the day of our proposal if he came that day.

I shoveled our driveway on the 13th and at midnight that night, my water broke and sure enough, after one of the worst days of my life bringing him into this world, our Ethan Craig was born. I got my Valentine's baby and I thought to myself....we found out on Father's Day and he was born on a day of love. Indeed, he's the perfect example of "The Father's Love".

God is so in the details of our lives, friends. I have since had 5 more babies after Ethan, and not ONE of them has come early. In fact, they've all come late, I've had to be induced with them all and have my water broken. But God knew my mama's heart, my desire for a Valentine's Day baby - so incredible!

Ethan is a Hebrew name and it means "firm, enduring, strong and long lived." Craig is my brother's name and means "rock". I remember saying, he will be a strong rock. When he was just two weeks old he was hospitalized and I remember my sweet friend reminding me of what his name means and that he was going to be ok. I also remember when my Father in law saw the photo above of Ethan, which was his birth announcement photo he said to me "He is going to be very wise, I see wisdom in his eyes and maturity." I remember kinda laughing to myself thinking how can you see that in a brand new baby, but he was right, Ethan is a wise old soul and has always been mature beyond his years. 

E, it is hard to believe this was 12 years ago. Having you as a son is truly one of God's greatest gifts to me. You are very very special. You still are sure to say goodbye to me every morning and kiss me on the cheek before you leave for the school. God knew you would have 6 siblings and He chose you to be the leader because you are truly the best child fit for this role. You watch over your siblings cautiously, you love them well and you genuinely care about them. You have a incredibly sensitive heart and soul, always thinking of others and caring for people. 

You always wants to do what is right and even when it's hard, you stand up for truth. You go against the flow. You take a stand at school and are such a light and it blesses my heart so much. 

Ethan, I am so grateful for 12 amazing years so far with you. I love watching you grow up - and cannot wait to see what you do with your life buddy. I know whatever it is, it's going to be great and as God is #1 in your life, you are truly destined for great things. You are a world changer and influence others for good, I am so proud of who you are.

Happy 12th Birthday bud! Today is all about you!! So excited to celebrate you today...a few presents this morning....then heading out for a family dinner after school (a rare occasion!), and coming back for cake and ice cream! REALLY excited for your surprise gift at your party next weekend! Happy Valentine's and Birthday kid, you are a lover! 

Xoxo, Mom

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