My Crazy Cool God!

by - July 12, 2019

God continues to amaze me. For those of you who may have watched my live after Maven was born, I shared in detail why the number 818 is very significant to my husband and I.

God continually has this number pop up everywhere, in the most crazy ways. Like sooo many cool God stories that I know I will share in my book one day.

It's the name God gave my husband for his business (that he started many years ago). It stems from Deut 8:18 which talks about how it's God who is the one who gives us the ability to create wealth.

Those who know our story know that we've faced a lot of financial hardship and struggle in our past. We went through losing a home, a car, job losses, having thousands of dollars in debt and yet we knew that we knew that we knew that God had incredible financial blessing for our future. Dreams, visions and ideas we felt He birthed in us that we were supposed to pursue and see come to life.

During our very low times, during the disappointments, job losses, economy crash of 08', threatened law suits, doubts and spoken and unspoken comments & thoughts from people who I know felt we weren't making wise decisions (because you know, in the natural, leaving a job without having another one isn't ideal) God would continue to show us the number 818 - in the craziest ways. It was a reminder to my husband and I to shut out the world and only listen to His voice. God's voice. It doesn't matter what your family may think or your friends. Let them think you're making foolish decisions. Let them make their comments. Let them think you're crazy. Because when God speaks to you, the world's "voices" really don't matter.

Seeing 818 pop up so often was a reminder to our hearts that God hadn't left us and to keep trusting Him and know that one day it will all make sense. One day those dreams will be part of our testimony and that He was going to turn it all around. To keep believing regardless of our circumstances. To know that even when things don't make sense in the natural and don't look like what we believe is coming for our future, to stay the course and just wait and rest in God and trust He will do it in His time. To wait for the miracles and know God will put all the pieces of our puzzle together.

There is a major shift happening in our lives right now. After over a decade of struggle and hardship, God is blessing our businesses, opening up doors, aligning the right people with us, it's amazing. But, we have to MOVE OUR FEET friends. We have to run after our God given dreams. We have to ask God to open doors, bring new opportunities. And then? And then we have to STEP OUT.

I felt God gave me a word a few months ago. I wrote it down quickly....hoped to blog about it at some point but haven't, until now. The word was...

Sometimes we have to step OUT, so we can step IN to what God has for us.

Soooo good, right? Friends, we cannot pray for God to open doors and bring opportunities for financial blessing if we aren't willing to walk it out. Can I get a AMEN?!

Before I joined my social media based business, Monat, almost two years ago, I was praying for God to bring another stream of income for our family. My husband's business, 818, is thriving... but when I was praying for God to open up another door for me financially, his business was just about a year old at the time (so three years ago now) and while it was going well, it was going to take time to build (as most businesses do.) There are big dreams in both of our hearts and I believe God has a huge testimony for my husband and I. I believe our story will encourage many who have walked through some of the same hard things. God turns dreams into realities my friends and tests into testimonies! Can I get another AMEN in the house?!

But we MUST play our part. A bag of gold isn't going to fall from the sky and land on your doorstep. One of the Bible verses I memorized years ago (Jeremiah 29:13) says, 'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.' I encourage you today to seek the Lord, listen for His voice, His leading - and be obedient.

I was saying no to God's nudge to join Monat for 4 months because I honestly did not want to do it. I already did two MLM's previously and they didn't really go anywhere for me. I didn't want to start over. I didn't think one could work for me. I wasn't a salesperson. I am too busy. The list goes on and on. I was filled with fear and self doubt, truly. But if there's one thing I've learned in my Christian walk it's to listen for God's voice and to not ignore it. I knew He was telling me to say 'Yes' to this business because He wanted to do big things through it, so I did it. August 21st, 2017.

Is God calling you to do something and you've been ignoring him? Stubborn and saying no? His ways are always better than ours friends. His plans for us are good. We must learn to step into what He has for us. Even when that may feel uncomfortable or scary. Even when in my case, it was saying yes to selling shampoo. Because what's happening in my business is amazing and a huge blessing and what is coming is even more exciting! I feel major growth coming. A new season. Thank you Jesus for carrying us through the hard seasons and into the new ones!

If you ever want to learn more about what I do and this amazing opportunity please reach out to me through Facebook or shoot me a email! ( I love sharing my passion for this business and my passion to pour into more women and their dreams!

Oh and just another little 818 story for you that happened this morning, which is what stemmed this blog post. I was telling a friend about this awesome app. Five Minute Journal. (It's so great, my husband shared it with me years ago, so check it out!) I went to the App Store to take a screenshot of of it to show her what it looks like.

Notice anything??? 😭

My God is a crazy cool God!!! 

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