Numb & Heartbroken

by - June 04, 2019

I don't even have the words to start this blog post. I'm extremely sad that I'm even writing it. I feel numb, in shock, and just broken to my core.

Some of you may have heard me talk about my sweet friend Jackie, who has been battling cancer since 2012. We met in a online mom group in 2011 and instantly became friends. A fellow Christian mama and her daughter Chloe, was born the same month my Lincoln was was a Babies of 2011 forum that we met in. Jackie was the only mom I connected with and got close to. I'm in Michigan and she was in Indiana - but we always talked about getting together one day to meet.

Fast forward to the day before my Hudson was born, December 14th, 2012. She found out she had breast cancer. Early thirties. Ugh. I will never forget it as she reached out to me a few days after Christmas and said this:

"Hey Lady! I want to congratulate you on your newest addition to your family! He is beautiful!! I don't like coming to you with bad news....but I have a prayer request for you...please pray for me?! I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am going to a fantastic Dr who is really going to take care of me :) I get a port put in Wed and chemo starts Thursday. We haven't told the kids yet....kind of going little by little with it to not totally shock them. Keri, I want you to know that God has filled me with the most amazing peace about this. I really feel like he is going to use this. Please keep my family in your prayers. Jackie."

I was heartbroken but was so thankful she had peace and we began to write back and forth about God's goodness, healing power and sharing scriptures. We kept in touch often via FB and I would ask for updates on how she was doing, how I could be praying for her, etc. She would be real with me, sharing her hard moments and tears but mostly it was sharing victories, big and small and rejoicing together in God's goodness to her.

Months later it was strong on my heart to photograph her family, the least I could do for her. I reached out and asked if this is something she would like and her excitement warmed my heart. 

"Yes! Yes! That would be wonderful!!! I would love that Keri!!! :) And it will be so great to meet you in person!!! Even though we have never met....I feel that you are a great friend. :)"

She had lost all her hair at this point but she looked as beautiful as ever. I mean, just look at her. She's breathtaking.

It was so great to finally meet in person but of course I was sad at the same time seeing her fighting this battle. I wanted the session to be focused around Hope. Jackie was so hopeful, and so was I.

She fought and overcame cancer. But then it came back again in December of 2015. Ugh. She fought it yet again and was doing so so well. I went back again in August of 2015 to take some updated photos and this time her hair was grown back out and she looked so healthy, SO GOOD. It was so wonderful to see her and her family and catch up a bit!

Jackie's cancer returned yet again about a year or so ago maybe. For the third time. I honestly am not sure how long it's been, maybe it's been longer. But she has been doing well. As well as anyone can do for fighting cancer for a third time. I keep up with her and all that is going on and saw she had been in and out of the hospital for what looked like a UTI a couple months ago and was having a rough time. I didn't think much of it - other than I reached out to her on FB sharing a natural way that has helped me get rid of UTI's and hoped it would help.

Early last month I saw her mom make a post on FB and it mentioned wanting to get Jackie out of the hospital and into a hospice facility. My heart starting racing and I thought to myself. Hospice??? Why would she go into hospice care. I quickly went to her Facebook and also her page where she updates the latest with her in her journey scouring to read more. I was panicking when I heard the word hospice as I have only known hospice means you are nearing the end and I was like no no no. Not Jackie. She's going to be fine! She's doing fine! She has a UTI but I thought she was doing fine. This can't be right. Most comments I read were saying prayers for her but one mentioned to pray for her friend's family who is saying goodbye too soon.

I completely lost it. I was making my kids lunches getting them ready for school and I went into my food pantry, shut the door and sobbed. I just kept thinking this can't be right, I must be reading it wrong. She can't be dying. Oh God, please tell me she isn't dying!!!

Today, Jackie went to be with Jesus. I can't stop sobbing as I type this. My heart hurts so deeply.

I never heard Jackie talk about death. Not once. Her hope was in Jesus and I know she is with Him and there is so much comfort in that, but oh the sadness I feel today. She was always so positive. She was constantly posting Bible verses on healings and healing podcasts and testimonials and speaking life over her body and this awful disease. Her faith was so so strong.

I know this may sound ignorant, but I truly believed Jackie would get through this. Her passing away truly wasn't even in my thought process. It has completely caught me off guard, somehow.

There is a lump in my throat having to find my hard drives and pull out these photos. It is devastating for me looking through them. She is my age. Mid thirties. She is so young. She loved her family so fiercely, such a good wife & mom. I'm truly heartbroken and at a loss for words. I feel so angry at cancer and that this evil disease ripped away my friend from her family. I just cry every time I think about it. How do you say goodbye to your children at such a young age, knowing the heartache that will come for them without you in their lives? And how do you watch your children say goodbye to you? It wrecks me to my core. Their lives were changed forever today. Oh Jesus, please hold them so close. May they always know how much their mama loved them and may her memories never fade. Give them a peace that only you can bring Lord. Without you Jesus there would be no hope. Give John the strength to carry on and raise their children. Give Him so much grace Father, hold him close as He comforts his kids, while grieving deeply himself. Jesus hold her parents so close, we should never watch our children leave this earth. Comfort her brother Jesus, sisters are so special, how heartbreaking it must be. It's just not fair. Jesus surround them all with so many who will love on them, support them, bring food, encouragement and endless hugs. Jesus may they stay ever so close to you through this dark time and cling to you and only you to carry them through.

As broken as I am right now, I know that God is good. God's plan and will wasn't for HIS daughter to have cancer and suffer and leave her husband a widower and her children without their mother. Just gonna be completely honest....if you believe that, please refrain from commenting a "God must have had other plans for her." "God needed her more." "Sometimes God's will is hard." "God is in control" or any comments like this on this post because it will be deleted. It bothers me to no end to hear people talk like this. You must not know the God I know, because my God is good ALL the time and doesn't give His children cancer! Just like you or I wouldn't give our children cancer to teach them something. (And yes, I know the Old Testament story of Job, in case you're wondering). We live in a fallen world full of sickness, disease, evil and tragedy. This isn't our eternal home. So don't put every tragedy on God like it's His fault. As if He's to blame. Or as if it's His good and perfect plan. I'm just so sick of hearing these false doctrines. Sorry, not sorry.

As I shared above, Jackie told me God gave her peace and that she believed He would use this in her life and in others lives. I do believe that God uses hard things in our lives for His glory if we allow Him to. I do believe He brings beautiful things out of tragedy. I do believe He brings good out of the bad. But please do not mix that up with "This was God's plan for Jackie's life. To die in her thirties of a horrible disease and leave her 4 children without a mother and to leave her husband to raise them without the love of his life." That was NOT God's plan. It's the result of living on this earth and having to endure hardships. God using our trials for His glory and God GIVING us the trials are two very different things. And I believe a lot of Christians have this mixed up - but that's for another post, another day.

Jackie, my life is forever changed from knowing you friend. I'm heartbroken. I'm sad. I cry every time I think of you and John and the kids. But I rejoice and take comfort in knowing you are with your Savior and free of this long battle, but oh how I wish your ending had been so much different friend. I truly believed it would be so much different. I'm still in shock.

You praised Jesus in the storm, Jackie. You truly did. It says so much about who you were and WHOSE you were. Your peace was found in Jesus - the only one who can bring peace during our lowest of lows. God is pleased with you friend. I can only imagine what it must be like to be with him today. Our hearts hurt and grieve here on earth, but thinking of you pain free and whole and hanging with Jesus, it's pretty incredible.

I'll miss you so much, but know one day, I will see you again. What a day of rejoicing that will be. I love you, girl.

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  1. What a beautiful testimony.......from you and from Jackie. Heart breaking and tears stream down my face! Thank you for the hope we have in Jesus!!

  2. Thank you for your beautiful tribute to Jackie. My beautiful cousin.

  3. I didn't know Jackie
    I started following her on Facebook. I have been saying rosaries for her hoping for a miracle and the cancer would be gone
    I lost my husband when he was 39 so I know how hard this is
    It was hard on my 2 boys but the church helped us. I am glad Jackie is pain free now like my husbandmb I will continue to pray for the family
    Eileen caro-tipple

  4. Thank you so much for that heartfelt writing. It is a wonderful tribute to a beautiful momma, friend, sister, and daughter.

  5. Your photo's have moved me so deeply.. especially the one with Jackie and her husband, holding his strong arm. The ones with her children. I didn't know Jackie personally but your photos helped me to know her in an intimate way that made me feel like I knew Jackie forever. Thank you.

  6. Beautiful just beautiful

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. When I lost my husband to cancer I felt the same way. It was NOT God's plan! He did NOT give my husband cancer. I am praying for you and Jackie's family. I pray you have the peace and comfort that God gave her.

  8. Like many I followed Jackie on FB. I too became alarmed with the placement in hospice. Your tribute is beautiful and including the pictures of the family makes it truly special. Jackie was a fighter for sure; the way you would want to be remembered. Tears flow for her and her family.

  9. BEAUTIFUL GRACE BLESSED INSPIRATIONAL LOVE AMAZING PEACE STRENGTH HOPE are just a few words how I feel about Jackie and her family
